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JCS Morphology Reports

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(Example: Enter 4521 and ensure "New" is Selected Below)




* The Greek Word translated "testament" in the New Covenant (Strong's NT:1242) is a mistranslation of "Covenant". Refering to the Old and New "Testaments" as the Old and New Covenants more accurately reflects the purpose of each.
About & Caveats | Sample Reports (Highlighted)

About & Carveats

  • Strong's OT:121 Has Been Completely Removed from the JCSS System. Use OT:120 Instead.

    OT:121 was added by Mr. Strong to differentiate the two meanings of OT:120, "man" and "Adam". It was a valient attempt on his behalf for the readers sake. Even then, he still incorrectly identified a few none the less. The Morhpology Codes identify which occurrences of OT:120 are and are not Translated as "Adam". The JCSS System relies completely on the use of the Morphology Codes to determine the correct Translation.

  • There are currently two known Caveats with the JCSS Morphology Reports.
    1. The STEPBible Morphology Codes often do not match the tags originally created by James Strong and his team. Although what James accomplished is indeed magnificant, many errors were made during the process. Nowdays, with computers to assist, many corrections have been made to the tags. The Caveat for the JCSS Morphology Reports is that the reports will not reflect what we are used to and what most Bible programs would show.
    2. The STEPBible Morphology Codes for the New Covenant Greek not only have the corrections mentioned above, they are also based on the NA27 manuscripts (Dead Sea Scrolls). This conflicts with the text displayed for the verse which is from the Textus Receptus manuscript (KJVA source). This can add additional anomolies in cases where the text is not an exact match. A web search on the differences between Textus Receptus and NA27 can explain this further.

  • The JCSS is a work in progress. Progress is limited by lack of metadata. The current Greek Morphology Reports are generated from Morphology Codes from the NA27 Manuscripts while the resulting Verses are from the Textus Receptus. The vast majority of the NA27 matches the Textus Receptus word for word but users of the reports need to be aware. This method was the only way to get these reports because of the lack of Metadata.

  • The JCS Web Site is a hobby site running on a hobby server. It is subject to ups and downs as updates are made frequently at times.

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